I lied to them and said I had one cat because after I paid for the stay I found out they had hidden a one pet policy in the fine print. I have two cats. And now I learn that because I told them I have a cat in the first place they insist (fine print!) on ‘room service’ coming in my room at least every other day to inspect seems like. How do I deal with this? If anyone has any experience doing something like this or even just has done the inspection thing with a motel before it would help to know how the mechanics of the interaction will go. I waved them off until tomorrow.

Some background: I’m with my cats staying in motels medium-term because of a huge fucking drama you can check my post history for pieces of. My roommate declared that I had moved out on my behalf when I went to take care of my sick friend with cancer. When I got back they refused me entry and changed the locks. I haven’t even been able to get a legal response going because of how much I’m freaking out and running around putting out fires like this. My cats were in the apartment until a couple days ago when he was threatening to release them because I had ‘abandoned’ them.

I can’t fucking deal with this. How do I hide one of my cats so they only see the other?? All I have is a car. Do I have to put one in the fucking trunk and drive to the other side of the parking lot and hope they don’t meow too loud so someone tries to break them out?? I just got my babies safe with me and now I have to traumatize them 4 times a week with some underhanded shit?? Fuck my life for real. Fuck.

And it’s not like I can just sneak them out the back to do that, either! It’s a fucking motel! The cleaners are going to be going from room to room outside. Maybe swaddle one of them so I can sneak them out in a fucking backpack? I fucking hate every idea I come up with.

edit: I’ve made arrangements to have one of them at a pet sitter for a few hours during the day tomorrow. I guess this is going to be the plan until my reservation is over. Then I’ll find one this doesn’t happen at.