Honestly didn’t even realize I still had it installed, but it’s gone now.
Oh, let me check. True, you just uninstalled it.
Sad :(
Keep google maps though.
I’ve played since 2016. Guess it’s time to say goodbye to my Pokemon. 😢
If you wanted to you can transfer them to Pokémon Home then to a switch game. You are limited in how many you can transfer per day I think.
Do they stay shiny/lucky?
Shiny yes!
Lucky, I don’t think so - AFAIK lucky doesn’t exist in any other Pokémon games so there’s no point really in tracking it.
I believe the event costumes and a couple other PoGo specific variations cannot transfer as well, but most stuff can. You could pack Pokémon into your Switch games if you don’t wanna pay for expanded Home storage
Thanks for the tips! I’ll give it a shot.
I posted two guides in the pokemon community about transferring. Transferring a shiny costs almost the entire energy bar, moving my shiny mew took it all. It takes a week to regenerate it all.
I used to play this game a lot. It has it’s flaws, but we had fun with it and every few months someone will remind me about it, and I’ll dive in for a while, but I think it might be time to finally uninstall for good.