• Rising temperatures are scrambling the base of the ocean food web
• Net increase in temperature-related deaths under climate change in Europe
• World’s critical food crops in danger due to rising temperatures
• Earth’s strongest ocean current could slow by 20% as Antarctica Melts
• Unprecedented number of sick, stranded sea lions being found on L.A.-area beaches
• Argentina port city ‘destroyed’ by massive rainstorm, 13 dead
• Study warns of deadly future marine heat waves in East Coast estuaries
• US Coast Guard Academy censors ‘climate change’ from its curriculum
Not much about climate change makes me giggle, but this did, because it’s sooo ridiculous. If there’s any branch of government that really needs to understand climate change, it’s USCG, and now they won’t even mention it.
• The world’s strongest ocean current should be getting faster – instead, it is at risk of failing
• Global warming streak brings extreme weather from cyclones to polar freeze
• Climate change threatens crop diversity at low latitudes
• Global sea ice hit record low in February, scientists say
Note: When reading news coverage from any corporate-owned source — a newspaper, TV station or network, etc — the facts are generally factual, but the slant favors the rich and powerful.
Who exactly would you see genocided to realize your new world order?
I’d start with the billionaires. Then the climate change deniers.
Reducing the population doesn’t imply killing.
Lmfao ok, who would you choose to strip of their reproductive rights and personal autonomy?
I’m not OP either, but if you just provide everyone with effective birth control and access to abortion if they want them, the birth rate will go down a lot.
I’m not OP
No genocide. We’re already seeing population reduction around the world that is being offset by immigration. With a coordinated effort we could accomplish a lot through attrition. Stop being so melodramatic.