What, exactly, is unforced conscription?
Conscription is already compulsory military service.
Wait, are people being forcefully conscripted or not? I’m all for Ukraine resisting its oppressors and defending itself against its invaders, but no one should be forced to risk their life for any country - if they want to that’s quite a different matter.
Ukraine is doing conscription. It’s a draft pretty much like drafts used in wartime all across the world.
You can call that forced, since it does have the weight of law behind it, and there’s potential consequences for refusing. But we aren’t talking about them going out and rounding people up at gunpoint.
The debate is separate issue. I tend to be anti-draft in normal circumstances, but less hardline about it during an actual invasion.
The post being referred to was someone lifting, sometimes word for word, talking points used by Russian propaganda farms. The terminology used “forced conscription” is the key to the comments being a red flag (pun intended). It’s designed to conjure up imagery, and has successfully done so. Enough that people have made a stink about Ukraine doing it, while ignoring any of the other countries with mandatory service across the world, or the ones that have done or do have drafts of some kind (which includes Russia).
The parts about Ukraine arresting people trying to leave the country is another aspect of the propaganda farming, and one that has no basis in policy, nor is it a widespread occurrence. Search engines have gone to shit, so it’s harder to find good journalism nowadays; but the arrests that I was able to find after running across that PTB post were only about people that had committed actual crimes, not refugees or random citizens so they can be pressed into combat. If the reporting has lagged, and that’s occurring, the search I did real quick before writing this didn’t find anything in the news yet.
To repeat, all conscription is forced. It’s mandatory military service, and you don’t have a choice in it. Doesn’t matter if you’re at war or not, that’s what conscription is, the state forcing you to comply. If you can say no, it isn’t conscription, it’s recruitment.
Yes, there is draft. But, to begin with, men between 18-25 are excluded from it, they can only sign up voluntarily. So that’s already falsified the claims in the screenshot.
There are restrictions for leaving the country for men between 18 and 60, yes. Martial law does exist, and there are curfews in cities at night. And, yes, I’d rather that wasn’t a thing. But one person who actually can stop the war in one day is Putin. Ukraine is using whatever tools it legally has to defend itself. Maybe if we get that EU membership, the conscription will not be a thing any more.
Say to mod that it is true 🤣 (not only thing wrong here)