I’m not so sure laughing at suffering is a good look. Pretty rude overall.
I’m not laughing at suffering. I’m laughing at lame Lemmy Democrats who are fucking crying and making up shit about how horrible their life is. It’s bullshit.
You all are a bunch of keyboard social justice warriors who try to ban anyone who disagrees with you. You all talk about “eating the rich” even tho you all make more than the average US citizen.
The whole fucking reason you all lost, is because you are out of touch with REAL suffering. The REAL struggles people face.
You all fucking crying about how your $80,000 a year salary for your first fucking job is sooo hard, it makes you a fucking pathetic joke. Most people would fucking kill to make that much.
But you all are so out of touch, you don’t think that’s much money.
That’s why you lost the election. And you deserve it.
So no, I’m not laughing at real suffering. I’m laughing at the fucking lame Lemmy’s who think that making 80 grand a year, while working from home is “suffering.” Those who think that the latest Pokemon Go update isn’t as fast on your phone, is “suffering.” Those who are mad because they have to work so they don’t get to watch some Twitch stream live, is “suffering.”
And I’ll keep laughing. :)
There is nothing immoral about being wrong about something or being out of touch. I don’t know about every event in the world right now and neither do you. We all have bubbles.
Even if you conceptualize it as ignorance I still see it as rude.
Also it’d be pretty amazing if you actually understood the election to the point of being able reduce the winning and losing to such a concise statement. I don’t think that’s possible. I am not convinced you know why the election was won or lost. I don’t think anyone can really know that. It’s too complicated.
I think the fear of Trump is reasonable. Maybe not every person is grounded, but many have good reasons to be upset. Lots of folks are upset at immigrants because of lies from the right. I don’t judge those people. Some folks may be unduely upset about Trump due to lies from the left.
Many people have grounds fears of Trump. Any trans person obviously. Anyone who relies on a government program that may be seen as ‘inefficient’ would be worried.
I think forgot to try to empathize and that’s why it feels okay to laugh at folks. I see it as rude. It happens though.
There is nothing immoral about being wrong about something or being out of touch
Of course now. But when that person tries to ban you are remove you because you have a different point of view than them, then the line gets crossed.
I think the fear of Trump is reasonable.
I don’t.
I get the reaction to being banned or removed.
I would love for you to engage with why I think some people’s fear is reasonable. Otherwise it just seems like you are dismissing folks for no reason.
Because I don’t think Trump is going to change too many things. Everyone said these exact same things the first time he was prez. The world was gonna end. We’d be put into deathcamps. He would make a law banning democrats from every running for office, etc.
And here we are. And here we’ll stay. And in 4 years, we’ll have a democrat president, and republicans will be crying. Just like it has for the last century. lol
I think there are many reasons to see this time as different. Trump is immune from prosecution, and is already trying to do many things that are seen as illegal by many states.
Project 2025 is a solid plan that if successful, could set our countries course for a while. He has already made healthcare harder for any Trans folks especially by trying to make it much harder to say you are trans on official documents. (Though it is funny that everyone in the country was legally female for a bit.)
Also the pardoning of violent criminals? Its a strange time. It is reasonable for folks to find worry in this.
Folks that know Palestinians. Devastated. Just because those folks don’t see the world like you do doesn’t mean they are unreasonable. Your worldview isn’t perfect. They aren’t necessarily safe. They would likely have been safer with Kamala. Even if you don’t belive in their cause.
I don’t think their fear is funny. I think there are many ways a reasonable person could be upset.
That’s backwards.
Every American should be suffering grief, depression and very real fear. Those are entirely natural reactions to the fact that Trump and Musk and the rest of their co-conspirators are in the middle of systematically destroying democracy, liberty and the rule of law and dismantling the US government in order to institute a plutocratic autocracy.
The problem isn’t that there are people who are suffering those things, but that there are people who aren’t - people like you who are so blinded by their hatred for their fellow Americans and deluded by the propaganda they’ve been fed that they’re actually cheering on the systematic destruction of everything of any value in the US and its replacement with a system designed explicitly to further enrich the wealhy and politically powerful few at the expense of everyone and everything else.
If it weren’t for those people - if they weren’t so blinded by hatred and so eager to see other people suffer - we the people might be able to come together to do something to save our country from the people who are in the process of destroying it.
But because those people exist, the US is almost certainly doomed. And they’re not only so toxic and so deluded that they make it possible - they’re so toxic and so deluded that they’re cheering it on and laughing - actually thrilled and happy to see people suffer, and looking forward to more.
Every American should be suffering grief, depression and very real fear.
I’m not. I’m having the time of my life, actually! :)
Trump and Musk and the rest of their co-conspirators are in the middle of systematically destroying democracy, liberty and the rule of law and dismantling the US government in order to institute a plutocratic autocracy.
That’s what you all get for supporting the Duopoly. Before the election, I advocated third party. I got banned from some places for saying that. So I’m LOVING watching you all be uncomfortable.
the US is almost certainly doomed.
LMAO No, it’s not. You are just mad that Trump got elected. Dems should have picked someone better than Harris. You all deserved to lose.
that they’re cheering it on and laughing
Me. I didn’t vote for Trump. And I sure as fuck didn’t vote for Harris. Proud of my third party vote. And it’s hilarious watching you all cry and try to cope.
The dems are just as corrupt as the republicans. And you all STILL won’t work on forming a true third party that can topple the Duopoly.
I’m having the time of my life, actually! :)
You’re evil and you’re going to burn in hell.
I thought Lemmy didn’t believe in religion. So if that’s the case, there is no hell, right?!
Also, I’m evil because I’m not having the worst life ever that Lemmy seems to want to have? Say wat, mate?
Go ahead and tell me what’s so horrible about your life. What’s so bad? I promise that you make more money than I do and have a better lifestyle than I do.
You’re evil as demonstrated by the fact that you take pleasure in the suffering of others. You’re “having the time of your life” watching Trump and his billionaire cronies destroy the United States and bring harm to millions. You actually, by your own oft-repeated admission, want to see them harmed - you want to see them suffer.
That is evil, pure and simple.
And if there is a hell, you will burn in it.
Well I guess Lemmy shouldn’t have tried to burn me at the stake for advocating for third parties before the election. I was accused of being a russian spy, living in Russian, being a Jill Stein plant, being a republican in disguise, and trying to corrupted the election.
And you know who falsely accused me of all that? DEMOCRATS. And why? Because I publically said I was going to vote Socialist.
I actually got banned from .world instance. Wanna know why? I posted an articles FROM NEWSWEEK that said that Trump was rising in the polls. Everyone called me a liar and a troll.
Guess what? He WAS fucking rising in the polls. He won the fucking election. Not only that, but he won it by such a large margin that even if every single third-party voter would have voted for Harris; Trump still would have won.
So I am not pro-Trump or pro-republican. But Lemmy extremists sure as fuck made me anti-Democrat. Party I’m still a socialist, but very much an anti-democrat.
Election night was the best fucking night I have had in forever. Watching you all fucking cry and express shock? ohhh how could this happen? How could we have been wrong?
Because Lemmy is a fucking echo-chamber. I was called a fucking fascist because I voted for Socialst Workers Party.
So fuck you and your crying. You’re goddamned right I’m laughing.
You get what you deserve for being such extremists and so fucking bullying to anyone who didn’t suck the dick/pussy of the Biden administration.
So fucking high and mighty that you all laughed at the thought of third parties. Because you all didn’t listen to anyone and thought there was no way you would lose.
Fuck off with your noise.
You all made me. You created me. I will spend all fucking day posting anti-Democrat Party stuff on Lemmy. If I get banned, I’ll hop on another instance. I’ll start another username. I’ve started my own instances. I won’t fucking stop.
You all need exposure to diverse opinions and realise that you can’t ban everyone who disagrees with you. That’s fascist shit that you all accuse Republicans of doing.
You all being an asshole to me created me. So thank you. You keep crying. I’ll keep laughing.
Maybe next time, instead of banning differing opinions, you could stand to listen a little more.
You call me evil? Look in the fucking mirror.
Thanks, comrade! :)
You all made me. You created me. I will spend all fucking day posting anti-Democrat Party stuff on Lemmy. If I get banned, I’ll hop on another instance. I’ll start another username. I’ve started my own instances. I won’t fucking stop.
Are… Are you ok my friend?
I’m actually awesome. Thank you for asking!
I just wanted to sound like the comic book villain that most of Lemmy tries to make me out to be!
Fun, yes?