• Mighty@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    fuck this boomer meme. yes, there is individual responsibility, but we’re not the ones subsidizing the destruction, not are we the ones controlling the means of production.

  • girl@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    this is like the guy from the “we should improve society somewhat” comic, “yet you participate in society. curious!”

    • Hello Hotel@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Its, always dispare, bribery and/or (possably weponized) ignorance to mask the former. I have sympathy to those that are dispondant or those that know no better. For them, you need to give them knolage, hope and self disiplin skills. I feel no sympathy to those who have 20/20 vision, are able to make secrifices and not just fail to dispose of but actively cling to bad behavor.

      As of writing this, live on verry little money and am (like thousands of amaricans) adicted to shugar, I am in an ignorant and dispondant state. being alive demands that I get healthier food leaving little room for Green living until im “a little hmm… richer”.

    • Plantee@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      We can’t wait for corporations as long as we consume the same things, they are just out for profit.

      And as long as we don’t vote for politicians that will care enough, these corporations will not have any restrictions in regards of climate change.

      The actions of individuals has a normative effect on their peers.

      Also, in the global north an individual’s action has a greater effect than in the global south.

      I agree that an individual’s action has a lesser impact, but I think actions should be triangular (individual, governmental and corporate). But the individual definitely bears responsibility. At least in voting a certain way, but being aware of what you are doing could help persuade oneself of taking action.

      Understanding why an individual does not act is important though. New technologies, like EVs are expensive and public transport might not be sufficient. Eating less meat (or non at all) and flying less (or not at all) are, I am pretty sure of, things one definitely could do.

      • Hello Hotel@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Prefice: a lot of actions you can take, voting with your money, switching polititions, etc… all are foam padded with what i describe below to prevent to dampen the core from getting shaken. Not that you cant get results, but its like wading through mud.

        I think about capitolist PR like a dream. Whatever message or info on the packaging actually contains is sourced from whatever you think it would contain. Health conchisness is like needing to pee in the night. Your concerned, but the dream takes your plan of action and you dream you got up and went. You end up peeing the bed because this whole time you never actually moved. Neutrition labels and what they mean, its the only non hyperreal thing on the package.