Kids on lemmy these days telling me about 9/11. Dude I was in school that day. I remember it quite well. You weren’t even in your dads balls yet. Stfu.
Dude I had a flight booked that day, and my birthday was later in the week.
That shit changed EVERYTHING.
I was heavily hung over and spent all day in my pajamas watching TV.
ok boomer
Found the dumbass kid 👍
ok boomer²
I saw someone the other day claiming that the WWW was always as sanitized as it is now and I was like like “lol… no.”
I remember when you could very easily just stumble upon CP, or bestiality, or any number of disgusting, fucked up shit doing a Yahoo search for something totally inocculous. anyone?
Two people down voted this. I assume they are unaware of the history of that domain.
Hint - you did NOT want to use the wrong TLD at work or school.
Hint - you did NOT want to use the wrong TLD at work or school.
Or maybe you did. 😉
Kinda like comparing my grandfathers journal from when he lived in the USSR to what hexbears say.
Apparently he wrote this journal as propaganda before hiding it away at the bottom of his trunk.
Happens to me with Venezuela. I lived there before and through/ during the glorious revolución bolivariana and here come the champagne leftists from 8 thousands kilometers away to tell me that it wasn’t real socialism, that apparently I am a CIA agent (where my money at?), that I didn’t got held at gunpoint many times in my life there for attempting to escape the country as many others and that the government didn’t murder my family members haha. Yeah it’s not funny at all
Being the victim of American propaganda does not make you an employee CIA agent. But the fact is that America is fundamentally responsible for most of the problems in Venezuela, both via CIA meddling, and letting our capitalists decimate their economy for their own personal gain. Its the same story across almost all of South America. Sometimes it’s staging coups on their elected leaders, sometimes it’s leveraging the power of a fruit company in order to rewrite their laws to be favorable towards said fruit company.
Or maybe your grandfather just had a perspective that was skewed by either wealth or propaganda. From context in going to guess that he attributes a lot of the negatives caused by capitlaists during the cold war to simply being fundamental facts of socialism/communism
Yea, that’s the one thing he didn’t mention in the journal or bring here with him; loads of cash.
You’re a fucking tool.
I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt actually. You’re the one saying he isn’t merely the victim of propaganda. Its entirely possible he was just an idiot. Or a massive piece of shit. Most of the people who were “driven out” of communist countries were just business owners who were trying to hoard all the food they grew, during a famine. So yes, now that you bring it up, it is also possible your grandfather was just a massive POS, rather than a victim.
Hahaha sure dude. Whatever you say. I’m sure you know much more about the trials and tribulations that happened before you were born than the people who lived through it.
I’m super happy to be living in this country after having read about my ancestors experiences. He took a risk by coming here, but we all have benefitted from it.
You’re still a fucking tool, though. 🤡
Yeah, that kind of thing can happen when you actually research history rather than ask one person. There’s a reason anecdotal evidence isn’t given much credence.
So my options in this scenario:
read a first hand account from my ancestor and parse out any personal feelings that cloud the truth
read an opinion from a nameless stranger online who has done nothing but doubt what I have read with my own eyes
As you can see here, the ‘anecdotal evidence’ is coming from you, and the historical truth that actually existed is documented in this journal.
Get your head out of your ass.
Why are those your only options? You already ruled out researching what the actual truth is? Don’t take my word for it, prove me wrong. If I can be proven wrong, I want to know. My evidence is empirical, but 2nd hand. Better than anecdotal, but not proof in itself. Your grandfather’s journal is primary, but anecdotal. Would you rather be right, or be correct? I’d rather be correct.
Living through an event isnt the same thing as being knowledgeable about it. eg. There are plenty of 911 truthers that were around when 911 happened.
And they think everyone just ate the WMDs in Iraq thing. No, I was there at the protests. Many of us knew it was a bullshit excuse.
The only thing Iraq and Al Qaeda had in common was the Q. We knew that then.
Many of us knew it was a bullshit excuse.
This fucken clown.
I think zoomers are generally great, but they really underestimated how much of a Wild West the Internet was back in the day, when everybody has their own Angelfire or Geocities website with bad HTML and clipart gifs and people blogged on their LiveJournal and wrote bad fan fictions on forums and all that.
You just kinda learned to be tech savvy for things like “Don’t open random links” and “don’t believe everything you read on the Internet” through trial by fire or having to explain why you broke the computer, and it’s not exactly a skill that you forget. So it’s kinda weird for them to assume that they are better at tech just because they are younger.
I do like this place, gives me nostalgia of the Wild West of these early days. Needs more bad fanfictions here though.
Before itunes really caught on and ages before something like spotify would rise up, millenials cut their teeth on kazaa, limewire and a host of other p2p services trying to get digital copies of our music and movies. Is this really just a low quality pirate rip or is a virus laden exe? ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!
Pamela Anderson nude or horrifying decapitation? Time to roll the dice!
I usually suffer the other way around, with older people saying very wrong stuff “they saw”, but that are very factually wrong
Yeah the thing is “living through” something doesn’t really mean anything unless you were personally involved in it. Like I remember being in school on 9/11. I was a kid at the time, and everything I learned about it was from like CNN or similar. That doesn’t make me an expert. There are definitely younger people who have studied history who will know more about it than me.
For some reason, the one that bugs me a lot is the number of people who can’t spell Ronald Reagan’s name correctly. Maybe because I remember his chief of staff, Donald Regan.
deleted by creator
Makes me think of a family thing where one young cousin of mine was obviously baked. And everyone knew it. Everyone could see, everyone could smell it. But nobody cared. So the lil fella just sat in the corner the whole time slyly grinning to himself and giggling. Some months later I joked about it in another family gathering and the guy was shocked to find out we knew about weed and what it smelled like.
Weed, ah, what a new fangled thing. Tbh I’ve been in the almost exact position. Something comforting how it keeps happening.
As a teenager a friend and I made up some excuse to sneak away from the adults to go get high. One of the adults knowingly mimed smoking a joint to us.
“How did you know,” we asked.
“I’ve been 16. You’ve never been 40,” he said.
I always used to smoke at work when I worked as a janitor in my 20s. One time my manager grinned at me as I was coming back in from my break and asked if I was feeling tired. I can keep it together, but the droopy eyelids are a dead giveaway lol
Apparently they’re teaching gradeschoolers that George W. Bush went into Iraq because of 9/11.
(The Iraq war had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks.)
Also the CIA torture program had nothing to do with gathering intelligence. But that came out when Trump was pro-extra-torture, and his fans loved him for it.
If I ever have a child, I cannot for them to discover things like Pokémon or some other game/anime/cartoon series I was there to witness and then think I’m so old I don’t know about it.
It’s happened to me with friends kids. Asking me if I’ve heard of Pokemon. Kid, I was your age when Pokemon first came out.
There are so many things on Know Your Meme that give me that feeling. Plenty of internet specific memes there that existed since the 90’s but are attributed to be from the 2010’s or later.
my grandad distinctly remembers walking uphill both ways. i just got done with a 48 hour youtube+wikipedia rabbit hole about routes children took to school in many different areas in that time period, one of which was the street he lived on. sure he was there and i wasn’t and sure youtube and wikipedia aren’t 100% guaranteed to be reliable sources but you have to see why i’m not quite as inclined to trust his firsthand account
This was my experience watching the video games episode of Adam Ruins Everything.
“They kept games in the toy aisle! Of course girls weren’t playing them.”
I played then… then again I wasn’t a girl at the time but I’m a woman now…
If by that you mean in electronics locked away behind glass. Than yes… the toy aisle
If you were socialized and raised as a boy by your parents, then I don’t think you can say your personal experience disproves that games were demonstrably marketed and targeted towards boys and not girls. It’s gotten better with time thankfully but yeah not sure you can just handwave that away.
When someone tries to tell me that Bush wasn’t behind 9/11
Oh I have a “documentary” for you…But I’m convinced Bush Sr was there when JFK got, got and Prescott was part of a soft coup against FDR, so I’m pretty sure Bush’s are just terrible in general.