ID: 3 panel comic:

  1. A surprised looking person pops in to existence on a floating rock surrounded by fire, next to the devil.

  2. The person asks “wait a second-- why’d I end up in hell??”

  3. The devil, now taking up the entire frame, replies: “because centrism enables fascism”

      2 months ago

      Random off the top of my head thought I had a disagreement with someone the other day.

      Climate protestors, like the ones blocking roads etc.

      I fully support their right to do it. I agree with their message but dislike how they conduct themselves. I fully support the right of the people in the car to lose their shit and pull them off the road. I also think the cops have a right to arrest someone blocking traffic and refusing to move as well as the person who assaulted the protestor.

      I do not believe the police should have powers to arrest for planning a protest. Premeditated protesting being a crime is a fucking joke.

      So there’s a snapshot of my mind. Complicated issue and I see it from most people’s side. Actions have consequences.