Fuck yeah! Looks great. 👍
I’m pumped that I just found this community. I plan on shopping for pet friendly plants this weekend.
I’m stoked about this community too. Why not snap some pics and share them with us this weekend! :) I need more plants in my feed lol
Super cute! I love the little stool you’re using as a plant stand too.
Those grow wild in the yard here in Australia
I managed to kill one of those :(
Why can I keep cats and dogs just fine, but plants always get over or under watered and die.
Oh nooo! I’m new to this hobby so stay tuned… Lol
Is there a houseplant that you’ve had a lot of success with keeping alive?
Snake plants are easy, they pretty much thrive on neglect. You’ll be fine.
And if not… well those of us who keep lots have plants have also killed lots of plants. Each time you learn something.
Sage advice