Joe Biden has forgotten more than Trump has ever known
Yeah but so has a duck
It’s a low bar for sure. Very low. A duck would trip over the bar.
Not if you kept it properly shackled in the basement.
A person that owns a duck cant be bad.
I wonder if you really can take them home and eat em ?
I’d like to introduce you to foi gras
Foie gras
I like that joke, making fun of both of them at the same time
the double kill holy shit
I mean, we are currently fighting nazis
vErY fInE pEoPlE oN bOtH sIdEs.
Biden sure didn’t cause that, though.
I know, I just like making jokes
Knowing they’re already around and working to consolidate power, I could think of worse things to spend the defence budget fighting.
Biden’s been a hardliner on foreign policy, so while he may not have caused anything he sure hasn’t been helping matters.
Very true.
This is a direct quote from the Orangeutang.
“I think had they not done it to me, and I’m very popular, they like me and I like them, the Republican Party, perhaps you wouldn’t have it being done to them, and this is going to happen with indictments, too. And I think you’re going to see that as time goes by, you’re going to see Republicans when they’re in power, doing it, and it’s a shame when that happens. I’m not in favor of that, but that’s what’s going to happen because that’s human nature.”
Arguing that the other guy is in mental decline is such a weird strategy when your guy can’t put together a coherent sentence.
Did r/ihadastroke migrate here from reddit yet? Because that quote belongs there.
“I’m very popular”
Current state of Republican politics.
The “I’m the most humble person ever” quote is also great
You should post that on Troth Senchal
Well this comment aged like milk
My grandmother was telling me about this, I was hoping she had mixed up satire with reality… She did not
Apparently Trump also thinks he’d be running against Obama in 2024?
A lot of people think that Obama is actually running things because they’re braindead monkeys
Remember the guy who was interviewed and asked why Obama wasn’t in the White House during 9/11 and wanted an investigation on that
The “intelligencer” jeez that one cringe newspaper name
Rightoids are all that kid in school that thought they were the smartest kid in class, but got all Cs and justified it by saying if they “actually tried” they would get all As easily.
Oh no. I was often that kid, but because of neglect and abuse and ADHD. Solid C+ to A- student depending on the class, smashing it on tests and demonstrations of knowledge while doing like one out of every three projects and take home assignments. But I’m an autonomy maximalist hanging out with left wing extremists o_o
I think it’s fun: using the old timey word for “spy” or “intelligence operative” evokes the old timey task of gathering documents and information and analyzing them to understand things related to politics or world affairs (especially since it’s a column/blog for a broader general interest magazine, that covers much more than just politics and news).
WTF World War II ?
First aliens, now time traveling?
The US never signed the treaty ending WW 1 so it doesn’t count?
It’s par for the course for him.
Remember, this is the guy who claimed that Washington crossed the Delaware to take British airbases by surprise. He also stated that troops fought hard in the jungles of Desert Storm.
Well you have to admit there was very little air action in the war of independence.
Par for the course for this guy is 180 lost golfballs while insisting he’s the best.
Or Fergoson MI (a town that is 95% black) wouldn’t have had riots if they would just deport all the illegals.
He couldve meant a world at war in comparison to wwII as we dont know what wwIII would be like
cowards like him can only talk about fear
Well, at least it is clear now who of them both is really ‘impaired’.
Holy shit i was sure this was an onion piece.
Image Transcription:
Article from Intelligencer magazine’s Tremendous Content section with the title "Trump Warns ‘Cognitively Impaired’ Biden May Cause ‘World War II’
By Margaret Hartmann, senior editor for Intelligencer who has worked at New York since 2012"
Below is a photo of an elderly man saluting a memorial wreath.
[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]
I believe the elderly man is biden.
Those are not mutually exclusive.
Not all elderly men are joe Biden, but all joe Bidens are elderly men.
I shall use this to explain subclassing going forward.
I think there’s a typo in that headline, the “cognitively impaired” part should go at the beginning.
deleted by creator
The clip is just so much better
Jesus Christ
it is lmao! but what did he say about Obama? I couldn’t hear his name in the clip
not a typo, trump is an idiot
deleted by creator
A lesson on cognitive impairment from Donald Trump. That’s deep.
The wonderful thing about all this is, whether we elect Trump or Biden, we’re still stuck with a brain-dead asshole who can’t string together a coherent sentence.
boTh SIdeS aRE ThE sAMe !!
They are in this way, absolutely.
Old, brain-dead assholes who can’t string together a coherent sentence.
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Words like person, woman, man, camera, and TV.
He’s been stretching his mouth to let those big words come right out
I mean, he does know a couple of big words that he uses over and over and over again, like ‘tremendous’. He still can’t form them into a coherent sentence.
Riiiiiight, the guy who forgot world war two, and the guy who played the entire opposing party at his state of the union, absolutely indistinguishable.
Only one of these men has ever had to take a cognitive test.
Biden has always had a speech impediment but is still sharp as a tack.
Trump has pudding for brains, and that’s insulting pudding.
Well, only one tried to overthrow a democratically election, and is currently facing criminal charges.
I would rather pick the old guy whose base instinct is kindness. People who leave comments like you have always seem to pass over that little detail.
Who’s base instinct is kindness? Because you can’t be talking about Biden or Trump there, maybe you were on about Bernie?
I will concede “closer” to kindness but don’t tell me the man does not have compassion. Just listen to him speak and don’t both sides this, too. We all know trump is worlds away the asshole of the two.
I would rather pick the old guy whose base instinct is kindness.
That’s because it’s false.
Though I’d be impressed if Biden had the integrity to hold his own son to the same standards as the other Americans whose lives were wrecked thanks to the 94 crime bill.
You mean like he already is? He specifically ordered a special counsel using the guy that Trump picked to investigate Hunter. Stop with the both sides stuff, it isn’t even close to true.
Though I’d be impressed if Biden had the integrity to hold his own son to the same standards as the other Americans
From what I understand, he does. But I don’t think this will change your opinion.
I think you know full well, regardless of what Hunter Biden has done or will do, he is never going to see the inside of a jail cell. It’s really nice that Sleepy Joe has at least been performative in pretending that there’s real justice here, but there’s not.
Hunter Biden’s last name and his wealth will keep him out of jail. That’s how it works here in America.
Okay, if that’s how it works in America, how is the president culpable for it?
I’m sure you don’t care at all about kushner not getting punished either, because Trump is king and all
Again “Their guy is as bad as our guy” isn’t the brilliant defense you think it is.
But yet you keep using it…
Trump straight up advocated for jailing 5 teenagers without trial or evidence, and he also condoned physically abusing people during police arrests. He’s a complete piece of shit who would be rotting in prison and a footnote in American history were it not for his father leaving him an ‘unaccountable’ amount of wealth.
I know that.
I’m not a Trump supporter either.
One thing, though: “Their guy is as shitty as our guy” isn’t the great defense you think it is.
I’m not a Trump supporter either.
And yet you use the insult “Sleepy Joe” which was coined by your favourite fascist…
One thing, though: “Their guy is as shitty as our guy” isn’t the great defense you think it is.
That’s literally your “argument” in your top post, dipstick.
That wasn’t the defense. Trump is orders of magnitude shittier than Biden. Biden just can’t compete with trump’s ability to emulate toilet bowl solids.
Thanks for letting us know that you claim not to support trump? I guess? Is that what counts for a calibrated moral compass in 2023?
This comment aged well lol
If you can’t tell that one side is worse than the other then you’re in mental decline.