Asking from British Columbia where the donations are capped at $1,450.82 annually for 2024.

In Quebec the election candidates can only receive up to $100 from individuals annually and elections Quebec posts the names of the donors on their website’s board.

I would imagine there would be a lot less advertisements like lawn signs and much more grassroots actions like knocking on doors. The political parties would have to be more efficient with their messaging and everyone can maximize their contribution caps much more easily.

    3 months ago

    We don’t see many lawn signs, but they do put lots of signs up on the streets, on lampposts and such. Door knocking does happen, but it’s not a huge thing either. Honestly, it seems much less in-your-face than it is in many other places.

    What you’re most likely to see is just flyers from your local candidates in your mailbox, and some discussion in the media.