I was watching a sausage making video, and youtube recommended this, and wow. Such a happy, positive, great!. I was intrigued

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    3 months ago


    Physics does some weird shit based on frame of reference. Until something goes faster than the speed of light, that’s the limit. If it goes back to nothing moving faster than light, it’s a limit again. But that time I’m between… Maybe?

    Like, we’re talking about something that has a coinflips chance of being a wave or particle each time we look at it. And if no one’s watching, it’s somehow both. Similarly the speed of light might just be the equivalent of draw distance. And just like Rick glitched out that weird alien simulation, maybe we can glitch the actual universe so that by somethings frame of reference, it’s moving faster than light. Maybe light will just speed up and the current speed of light is really because of some random thing trucking along at that speed and maybe someday it changes?

    Maybe because light is both a wave and a particle, it’s just setting its own standard for the wave speed by the particle speed.

    It’s stupid to assume there’s more weird shit we haven’t noticed yet.

    And that’s not even getting into the grey areas around FTL where you get between two points faster than light could, but you didn’t travel the same distance between points.

    Like, once physics gets complicated, if you think you understand it, it just means you dont.

    The smartest physicist currently alive almost constantly tells people about how much he doesn’t know, and that guy has pretty much all of human knowledge regarding math (not just physics) in his head.

    He freaking came up with the ideas for MC Escher’s most famous drawing (the stairs and hand drawing hand) when he was a bored teenager.

    If Roger Penrose says he doesn’t understand it none of us do.