I heard that Jones Manoel wrote the preface to the new Portuguese edition which was worrying and so I downloaded a PDF copy and skimmed it.

If you don’t know MWM is a patsoc ‘institute’, and though they try very hard to appear serious and legit they fail at that and endlessly trail behind other patsocs, namely a twitter celebrity and a twitch streamer. Must feel bad.

My thoughts are that… I don’t know who this book is for? The complete title is The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism, but it doesn’t really talk about Western Marxism as a movement. The author expects you to be familiar with western marxism already, i.e. having the same definition he does, and he never really expands on it. I mean, the introduction opens with the words “Western Marxism” and the definition of which is relegated to a huge footnote that honestly doesn’t really say much.

He essentially expects the reader to be familiar with the subject matter already, leading me to ask again: who is this book for? It doesn’t seem to try and revolutionize western marxism, so it’s not addressed to them to get them to change their views. It doesn’t seem to try and do anything really new, so I’m not even sure it gives arguments to people that are opposed to western marxism. If I’m already opposed to western marxism then I don’t need more arguments to convince me of it. And finally it doesn’t even try to excise possible remnants of western marxism in the reader?

It reads more like bourgeois philosophy. Needlessly complicated, expecting you to be familiar with the subject matter before you read the book, and being an exercise in showing the reader just how much the author knows and has read.

But don’t fear, because every little bit is cited… with no more explanation. If you want to learn more about the “Hitlerite forces [who] would have been able to – as the West expected (and hoped) – trample over the ‘Judeo-Bolshevik’ menace, destroying the first worker state and the notion that working class people could, indeed, rule themselves”, you will have to get a copy of Losurdo’s Stalin: The History and Critique of a Black Legend because this is not explored at all in this book. I haven’t read Losurdo yet but I have to wonder if he was as roundabout in his writing as Carlos is.

The introduction, which I’m only talking about now, starts with a comparison to The Great Gatsby, which again I’m not sure is doing here. Is it to make the subject content more relatable, by comparing it to a book most people had to read in high school? It just feels haphazard and out of topic, especially as the author promptly goes into Zeno, Aristotle, Plato, Hegel, Engels, and even Darwin just to explain dialectics, because somehow western marxism’s false dialectics are rectified with overly unbearable dialectics. He’s not dethroning Politzer any time soon.

It offers no historical examples, no clear definitions and topical explorations, instead laying out a bunch of broadly-connected segues from one topic to the next, relying on a definition of ‘western marxism’ that will certainly speak to many people, but is never once established.

I’m including the whole page so you can judge for yourself, but this is where the author speaks for the first time about Adorno and Horkheimer. He expects you to be familiar with them and everything around them – the time period they wrote in, what they wrote about, who for, etc. The job of the writer is to persuade the audience. If you’re starting from the premise that we’re already persuaded, then, again, who is your book for?

The author insists that the two were western marxists, with claims such as:

This same duo, today promoted as Marxism par excellence in the academy, supported the US’s barbaric invasion of Vietnam with the sort of rhetoric commonly heard from the most far-right elements of US politics.

But why? Why is it important that they did that, and why did they do that? Why does academia today uphold them as ‘marxism par excellence’? Why is it important for the reader to know about them? Why did you choose to mention them – clearly you had a reason to pick these two over other examples?

We never get an answer. Instead, he segues into his next point like so:

The paradox here is that, on the subject of the Soviet system, the CIA was itself to the ‘left’ of these ‘Marxists.’ As a 1955 CIA document, accessible thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, says

Even in Stalin’s time there was collective leadership. The Western idea of a dictator within the Communist setup is exaggerated. Misunderstandings on that subject are caused by lack of comprehension of the real nature and organization of the Communist power structure. Stalin, although holding wide powers, was merely the captain of a team.[68]

The only link between his first and second point is the CIA. There’s no more explanation. This is word association; the CIA was mentioned in point 1, so we can mention it in point 2. But the two arguments are so different as to not be connected at all.

When I ask who is this book for, there is perhaps the beginning of an answer later on:

But, this is enough for one session and I will maybe look at all of this later in a second post. There’s also a whole chapter on China.

It’s actually interesting that this book has been translated to Portuguese (I assume for the Brazilian audience) because… I really can’t tell who this is for. Who will this speak to in Brazil. Who in Brazil will be familiar with The Great Gatsby and also care about US problems. To be honest I think they just wanted to show off on this with the Jones Manoel preface. Just like they show off with all the citations from Rockhill, Hegel, Parenti (which he cites more than 7 times almost consecutively), Prashad, etc. Very basic patsoc tactic complemented by the usual Dugin mysticism of being so broad and vague you can be interpreted in many different ways.

As the cherry on top, this book is 143 pages long in its official PDF format, including the references index at the end (of which there are over 200), and the word ‘purity’ appears 154 times – a little bit over one instance per page!

  • JucheBot1988@lemmygrad.ml
    4 months ago

    If you’ve ever listened to any of Haz’s streams, this seems to have his fingerprints all over it, such that I wouldn’t be surprised if he wrote sections of it. I used to check him out back in the day, because despite all his faults, he had a real knowledge of Marx and Hegel, and he would often come up with interesting interpretations – and even, at times, some genuinely good material analysis. Then his worst tendencies caught up with him, and he started spouting nothing but rightist nonsense and pseudo-intellectual word salad.

    My sense of that whole group is that Caleb Maupin acted on them as a kind of moderating and grounding force, and that when they broke from him, they lost all connection with reality. This is because whatever his faults (and they’re many), Maupin does have actual experience in non-online activism/organizing, and has actually travelled and seen the various countries he talks about. When Infrared/MWM/ACP/whatever its current incarnation is was just the media wing of CPI, they were somewhat of a serious political organization. Now they’re just LaRouchite breadtube.